Monday, August 30, 2010

Take Me To The Riot

This song came up on iTunes just a few seconds ago and I realized that I really, really like it. I'm not sure yet what, exactly, it is that I really enjoy about it. I know it was on one of my favorite shows, The Vampire Diaries, (I know, I know..... I'm addicted to a vampire show.... but only because I LOVE Nina Dobrev!) but it just has a good mindset to it. I suppose. Sometimes I feel like life is just one huge riot and this song is all "Take me, take me to the riot!!!!" and I think to myself, 'yeah....Let's go and experience life!' but I'm not exactly sure..... I guess it's just my crazy mind thinking crazy things.

Soooooo.... Dannie's birthday is coming up soon and I'm planning a pretty sweet gift for it if I do say so myself. I could type on here what it is.... but I have no idea if Dannie will read this entry or not.... :D Sooo I won't divulge as to what it is. However, I can tell you that it is stupendous, wonderous, fantastical, and amazing. At least, I think it is. I just have to make sure I can finish it before the 10 of September..... so Ican get it in the mail, so she gets it for her birfday!

Today, I had livestock judging. It was an awesome class. I'm pretty stoked to continue with it. My teacher is pretty straightforward and ... hilarious. He has a kinda sarcastic humor that sometimes if you aren't paying attention, you might miss it. But it makes class fun and I keep my mind on the task at hand. We worked on Market Lambs and Jay picked out a class for us to judge and it was a class with an easyyyy bottom lamb. I love judging livestock. It's so much easier than horses and less political.

Ok, I guess that's it. I'm off to do some homework and maybe some tagging... We shall see. :D


Friday, August 27, 2010

And Everybody Cut Loose...Footloose!

Hallelujah, I have found my FOOTLOOSE DVD! It's been missing for about a year now, and I have been slightly depressed every time I go to watch the movie and I open the case.... and it's EMPTY! It makes me want to cry. But I figure there are others things to cry about. And I don't like to cry over spilled milk. Or lost dvd's.... Anywayyy, I really love this movie. But it wasn't until tonight... well, really, right now... that I realized how much vulgar language is in it. Oh well :D The movie is still fantastic.

I have only really liked Kevin Bacon in the movie Footloose. I don't like him in anything else. Did anyone else know he's married to Kyra Sedgewick?!?! When I found that out... Mind. Blown.

I started talking to CleverBot today. That conversation was the weirdest convo EVER. It started off with me asking the cleverbot if there was gold at the end of his rainbow. He says "Of course there is, what's at the end of your rainbow?" So I told him, "BACON!" and then it all went down hill. I wanna know how that whole clever bot thing works. It kidna confuses me.

DANNAAYYYY! she's up north with Austy, but when she gets back we're gonna keep tagging on the story. I really like the story. I live vicariously through Daine and she does things I would never dream of doing because I'm much more a scaredy cat. While it's saddening, it's good at the same time.

This entry was reallllly random... but Now I gotta finish Footloose! :D Night, good world!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eons and Eons and Eons Ago

It has been such a LONG time since I posted anything on this blog. I've been so unbelievably busy. But I know, I know, that's no excuse. I'm sorry.

Let's see, what all has passed since my last post. School has started. I'm really liking my classes and feel that it's going to be a greatyear. I'm uber stoked for my Livestock Evaluation class. The class is taught by someone who is very knowledgable and the notebook he gave us definitely surpasses the one from my coach in high school. Which, anyone who judged at my old high school, knows what this means. The TA is hilarious and most of the people in the class seem nice. So we'll see, I guess. I'm also taking MicroEcon. This class is going to be the horrible death of me. The teacher isn't really motivating me to want to learn, but I have to pass the class, so I guess all the motivation is on me. BuuuuuuutThe website we submit our homework on is pretty awesome. So that part is fun and I enjoy attempting to submit my answers. A couple of weeks will go by. If I haven't posted anything at all after this post, you might as well prepare for my funeral, because I will have died of slow econ torture to my brain. Just so you guys are aware. I think the Micro Econ book will attack me in my sleep, much like the book of monsters in Harry Potter....

On a brighter side, I've been writing a story with my buddddy Danno. It's been awesome. I never really thought I would find someone who would enjoy writing stories about what we write about. It's been fun to come up with kick butt plots and see them unfold right before our eyes. Our characters definitely give me something to live vicariously through. While that might be bad for my personality, I find I rather enjoy it. :D Danno, I'm sure, thinks I'm bizarre and bonkers. But who doesn't?! I am a little crazy.

Things at work have been going swimmingly, and I'm somewhat satisfied with it. We have alot of new people coming in and starting, which is fun. More people to think I'm off my rocker. But what fun is it if you act normal all the time? We gotta have a little fun in our lives now and then. I've been writing interesting and strange facts on the menu board and accompanying them with hand drawn pictures of the animals in the facts. My artistic skills are severely lacking, but getting better and better with time. I have learned that I definitely can not draw a baby yak. Alas, I have failed my friends in the Himalayas..... I shall hang my head in shame.

So another random note. I was reading secrets on "" (which I am addicted to, I might add) and I got to the last few secrets that had been posted, and I found one with my name on it. Now I know the possibility for that exact secret to be about me is like 1 in 23,477,238,746,723,648,793,487,687,346,234,932,874. A fact further proven by all the comments that were left under the secret that said something to the effect of "My name is Jess and this secret gave me a mini heart attack!" But it was saying "Jess, everyday I look at your Facebook page to see if you have a boyfriend. You never do. I've been working up the courage to change that." I'm not gonna lie. My heart did start racing a little bit, hoping and wishing that was from the guy I've been... for lack of a better word... crushing on. While it is like 99% not possible that it's him, I like to tell myself that it is. Makes it easier to talk to him, I suppose. It's been crazy that's for sure.

Ok, well, I can't think of anything else at the moment. I also have to get to bed cuz I have school tomorrow!!!


Friday, July 23, 2010

Deeeer Dreamz

So this letter is supposed to be about my dreams, eh? My dreams are as vast and numerous as the hairs on my gelding, Ringo. I have so many dreams and things I want to accomplish before I kick the bucket. I would love to travel parts of the world and ride a horse on the beach. Visit historical houses and forts and places in the United States and gain a better understanding to our rich history. I want to meet influential people and get their take on life and success. I want to have a family and be an important part of someone's life.

I know in my head and heart that some of these dreams are accessible and can be easily accomplished should I put myself into it. The others, may be a bit of a stretch, but if I work hard enough and really really want it, then there is no reason they too, shouldn't be true. There are things I need to learn and experience before I get to some of these dreams, but I know that those experiences will make me a better, more rounded person. Besides, who doesn't want awesome stories to tell their grandchildren? I know I certainly do.

These dreams and aspirations are what keep me kicking and striving to do my best. If I excell in the present, what's to say I won't excell in the future? I have the drive and ambition to make what I want happen, happen. Nothing is going to hold me back for long.

Don't go anywhere, dreams and aspirations. You don't want to miss out.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dearingest Darlingest Momma and Popsicles

There's been some confusion here at Shiz. But of course I'll care for Nessa. But of course I'll rise above it. No, not the wonderful musical Wicked. :D

I was wondering what these past 20 years have been like, raising me and watching me "grow" up. But then I figured that the story that would encompass my life thus far, would be much too long and probably somewhat not entertaining. At least not for me. Only kidding. When you bring up stories from the past, they are usually hilariously funny, "that was so not me" moments where Jordan or I try to deny the inevitable. I still can not remember for the life of me saying "It's the cows!" in the car when not wanting to own up to what I did.

I know these past 20 years have not been easy. I am not a poster child and probably never will be. But I did try to make it easier than most. I had a great up bringing and wouldn't be who I am today with out you guys. The countless times you took me to school or picked me up from band practice to the millions of horse shows we attended. Dad- I know the horses aren't you're favorite things in the world, but having you there pretty much every step of the way was great. I have some pretty awesome pictures taken and I could always count on you for a non competitive view on the competition. Mom- Thanks for slaving away in the hot sun with me and driving me everywhere for shows. Even being bucked off by Ringo at a show, once he did that with you, he never did it again. I am very gracious of the time and energy you spent for that.

There are some things I've taken from you guys. Dad- The love of music like Prince, Jimi Hendrix, Marvin Gaye, and Earth Wind and Fire. To collecting mustangs and other awesome muscle cars and every time I see a Police Cruisers, I wonder if you have it in your collection. I also have "inherited" your love of photography. Trying to take pictures of beautiful things and capturing the sight. I will always love your sense of humor, whether mom thinks it's appropriate or not. :) She has her moments though.

Mom-You have rubbed off on me in more ways than you know. First of all, no one's (and I repeat) no one's meatloaf is as good as yours is. I miss it and wish you could send it in a box. Also, I have found myself watching shows like CSI and NCIS more and more, wondering if you've seen that episode. And, not so suprisingly to you, I have found myself missing the pool at home. Having to drive to one here just isn't as fun.

Thank you for putting up with me countless times and being as strict and "mean" as you were. I believe I have grown up with morals and views of what are wrong and right, and manners that many of today's youth are lacking. I got those from you guys and how you felt the need to pass them on. College has been different, but I have enjoyed getting a chance to see what the real world is like. I love you!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

So I'm not really sure if you know who you are... But you are the guy who has caught me eye. Both eyes I suppose, and my mind, and my attention, and it is a bugger. You are one awesome person and today, I was going to tell you, that, well I like you. BUT you weren't at work and therefore, I was spared the BIGGEST heart attack of my life! So I can thank you for kind of saving my life.

I still plan on telling you. When and how have not been figured out yet. You have caused me to overthink every little interaction and thing that has been said and it's a pain in the butt. But I know you're worth it. I just have to work up the nerve to let you know and put the ball in your court.

I once read a book, and one of the characters was "in a twist" about another character, and I had no clue what that meant. Then you walked through those kitchen doors last year in October, and I have understood completely what that author meant. I find myself wanting to talk to you in the plant, but my brain shuts down around you and I find myself either acting like an idiot or some "snob" and I know both are not qualities most guys like in a girl. But I never know what to say and feel that saying nothing at all is a better alternative than rambling on about the temperature of the reel oven. Which is something I'd do. I usually find myself walking out of the plant and shaking my head, asking myself what that was and why I couldn't talk to you. Our conversations have grown longer since the first time and I find myself looking forward to seeing you in the morning, liking the somewhat exhuberant "Hellos" or "Hey there!"s that you always say when you see me.

I'm just going to have to get over this whole "hot guy broken mind" thing if I want to talk to you and see what's going to happen. We'll see what it's like when I come back to work! I suppose that's all!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Dear Bestie Ever,

Ok, so I've been fortunate enough to have several people I would call my "best friends". While naming them wouldn't be the best decision ever, I will thank each of them personally.

K- I've known you since elementary school, I never really got to know you until we moved to middle school and were in the same classes and teacher groups. It all started right then and there and I never knew what a BIG deal you were going to be in my life. We stuck together like glue and paper and really never left each other until I moved and switched high schools. Now while I did that, we never grew apart and every time we hung out, it was like I had never left. I think about you all the time and I wonder to myself everytime I see something that had to do with us, "When she sees this, does she think of me too?" and I tell myself, I'll remember this story to tell her. Even though usually, I never do. I'm so glad I take the time to hang with you when I come down to Arizona, now we just have to get you up here to Nebraskii :D I love you sooooo much!

K- The other K... Who knew when I first sat down in her English class,that I would become such great friends... no, scratch that, ASAINS with the girl who was her T.A.? I'm pretty sure I had an idea when I saw you reading that Sarah Dessen book. I knew then it was destined.We spent sooo much time together my three years at AAEC, that I looked back to before I came and I wondered where you had been. Being able to be our rediculous selves and chill...sometimes melt, in your truck in the parking lot, while talking about Babblefish or Gerard Butler or some song on the JohnJay and Rich show, to eating ice cream at your house and having your dad ask me, if I brush my teeth. It was such a refreshing change from everything that I was used to and I grew to love it. I still miss those days we did nothing but write our story, which we still need to finish, and watch a movie. I love youuu!

D-I veiw you as the closest thing to a sister I have. We have so much in common and we can talk about ANYTHING! I ask you so many questions bout guys and ponies and art that I should be paying you! You are someone that I will talk to forever and ever! I want you to be in that wedding! I value your friendship more than you can ever know. I wouldn't be the person I am today with out your influence.

To everyone else I love, thank you so much for being a part of my life. You all played a part up to now and I thank you for it!

Me :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The List

So I am going to write a note every day for the next 30 days in letter form about/to these people.

day 1 — your best friend
day 2 — your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend
day 3 — your parents
day 4 — your sibling (or closest relative)
day 5 — your dreams
day 6 — a stranger
day 7 — your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
day 8 — your favorite internet friend
day 9 — someone you wish you could meet
day 10 — someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
day 11 — a deceased person you wish you could talk to
day 12 — the person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
day 13 — someone you wish could forgive you
day 14 — someone you’ve drifted away from
day 15 — the person you miss the most
day 16 — someone that’s not in your state/country
day 17 — someone from your childhood
day 18 — the person that you wish you could be
day 19 — someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
day 20 — the one that broke your heart the hardest
day 21 — someone you judged by their first impression
day 22 — someone you want to give a second chance to
day 23 — the last person you kissed
day 24 — the person that gave you your favorite memory
day 25 — the person you know that is going through the worst of times
day 27 — the friendliest person you knew for only one day
day 28 — someone that changed your life
day 29 — the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
day 30 — your reflection in the mirror

thanks Chels!


Friday, June 11, 2010

2010 World Pork Expoians~Bass Pro Shop Bowling~Creme Brulee

MY OH MY! These past few days have been crazy!! I've been in Des Moines, IA for the past two days (Tuesday and Wednesday) for my Pork Producers Mentoring class... It's been crazy! We took a school van down there and we attended the State Intern Training alllll dayy lonnnnnng... It was really slow and parts of it were boring. The information was FANTASTIC but some of the ways it was presented, and the fact that we left school at 4:30 in the frickin morning, certainly did not help. :)

Buuuut! After we got off work, we drove down to the Bass Pro Shop and had dinner and bowled! It was awesome! I had a really fantastic buffalo burger and alligator fingers. The breading on the alligator was really spicy, but once I got past that, the meat wasn't as flavorful as I thought it would be. It actually kinda reminded me of frog legs.... call me crazy :) Thennn after dindin, everyone split up into teams, and we bowled! I'm not a very good bowler.... My first game, I did ok... Well, average. But I had a couple strikes and some spares but it was an average finish. The second time? I was totally obliterated! I bowled 10 frames and I think that maybe ... twice, I actually knocked pins down. Now, in the middle of the first game, we all decided (on our game, no other team) that we would put some stakes on the game.... the winner and the loser would decide on things they wanted every one else to do that night. This, of course, was my brillant idea. So then, when the first game ended, I really wanted to win so I shouted DOUBLE OR NOTHING! Everyone agreed.... I never knew that my bowling scores would receed faster than a balding man's hairline....To end the bowling story, I lost and Austin won..... So we both decided what to have everyone do. WHOOO! Go us! Then, on the way back to the interstate, Austin taught Kyla how to peel out while driving, but it didn't work so well in the economy van... It ended up looking more like a van with sucky hydraulics, but it was HILARIOUS!!!

OMG! I almost forgot another thing that was hilarious! While we were on our way to Bass Pro Shop, McKenzie and I were watching the cars driving by.... This station wagon full of younger guys drove up even with us and I was watching them but my mind was elsewhere, so it looked like I was staring. Then they looked up at McKenzie and I and we got embarressed so we looked away... Then I was like, well that was awkward... let's wave! So McKenzie and I waved, and the guys got reallllly excited and started waving back.... then Kyla started pulling the van away and the guys tried to speed up and were rolling their windows down... I started laughing so hard I was crying. Then McKenzie yells "THEY'RE GIVING US THEIR NUMBER!!!!" We tried to get Kyla to slow down, because Austin wanted to text them and give them a hard time.... But they got off at the exit... It was reallllly funnny.

The next day we went to the World Pork Expo. That was crazy! Freeee Pork to eat, lots of free swag, and pigs EVERYWHERE!!! McKenzie, Sandra, and I had a greaaat time. :)

Yesterday, I went with Hailey and her dad to eat dinndinnnner at the Lodge and for the first time EVER I had Creme Brulee. It was sooo AWESOME! the Carmalized sugar was crunchy and yummy and the custard inside was just custardy enough. I think Hailey got me addicted! O.O

Ok, welllll matt is here with the hayyy... Gotta go!


Monday, June 7, 2010

Brand New Pedicures and Leaving Numbers

Oh my goodness! Today was a crazy good day. It didn't start out so good for me at work. But when I got off, I went over to Hailey's house and we decided to get our nails done, eat, and go to the mall. Now that sounds like a fun day, right?! It most definitely was.

Today, I got to cross off "get my first pedicure ever" on my Summer Bucket List. It almost seems weird to think I have never gotten a pedicure before. I'm not a huge fan of people touching my feet... But Hailey convinced me that they are to DIE for and that I would love it. So, I decided to follow the wise advice of one months older than me, and sat in the HUGE pedicure chair. I put my feet in the not so luke warm water (more like HOT, but soothing :) ) and watched as the lady hit the buttons on the chair and SUPRISE!!!! It's a massage chair?! Sweeeeet! It almost felt like there was a little person inside the back of the chair, hitting and walking on my back. The whole pedicure experience was something different, that's for sure. Nobody, other than myself and my Junior year English teacher, have ever touched my feet. It was strange :). But it felt nice and I really like the color I got on my toes. The warm leg wraps were nice too.....

After Hailey and I both got pedicures, we both got full sets. This was a summer first for Hailey! It was fun. Hailey is definitely having fun with them, texting and driving. Sadly, her nail technician finished her acrylics with SPARKLY nail polish! How unfair is that?! They do look pretty spiffy and spectacular. Mine look really nice too. The lady, Maren, did a really nice job on the length, so I'm uber happy.

OMG! Something else that happened today! Hailey and I went to Red Robin for dindin and we, being the boring same selves that we are, ordered the SAME thing again...Bonzai Burger and
Guacamole Bacon Burger. This, of course, is not the noteworthy part. As soon as we sit down, our server comes up to us and starts to introduce himself. "Hi, my name's Mitch and I'll be taking care of you today. What can I get you girls to drink?" And the ENTIRE time he's saying that, he's looking right at Hailey. IN FACT he doesn't even look at me until he asks me what I want to eat, then he goes right back to staring at her. I, being the super observant person that I am, decided to text Hailey. "He liiiiiiiiikes youuuuuuu!" As soon as Hailey gets it, she starts to read it out loud. Mitch (the guy in question), of course,is right behind us and totally hears Hailey. Which makes me start laughing and wondering what he is thinking. Our meal goes on, with Mitch walking by and looking at Hailey until I realize something totally cool with our silver ware.... ITS MAGNETIC! Who else has magnetic silverware? Once Hailey and I figure this out, I tell her "Use this as a reason to talk to him! Ask him if he knew the silverware was magnetic!" So, while we are waiting for him to come to our table, Hailey and I are taking pictures so we can post them on facebook and on here. Then he walks by and Hailey was all "Did you know your silverware is magnetic?!" and he kinda laughed and (while looking at her the entire time) said "Yeah, something something something metal trashcans something something the silverware sticks to the side something something and the bussers can take them out. I saw you figured that out." Which goes to further prove that he was watching her. Then I have the FABULOUS idea that Hailey leave her number for Mitch, in the server book. She, of course being the level headed person she is, thinks this is a horrible idea. But I continue to push it (and yes, I mean push it :D )and tell her that "It doesn't matter if he never texts you, maybe he has a girlfriend or's not like you'll ever see him again anyway, if it doesn't work out." So Hailey's a trooper and leaves a note for Mitch on the table. It was super dooper exciting. We shall see if Mitch, the Looker, ever texts her or calls her.

WHEW! That was quite a bunch of things to happen in a few hours.... It's time for me to head off and get some sleep before I head on my way to Des Moines, IA for some more Summer firsts. I'll be sure to keep you updated!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Sad Sad Story of the Bored

So, unfortunately, I haven't been able to hang out with Hailey lately. It's been sad! I was getting used to her bubbly personality again (which I had missed soooo much) and it's been a couple days since we've hung out. :( I only hope we can hang out soon and wreak havoc in this town! Everyone knows it's much needed! :)

On a happier note, I might be going to PlaMor tonight. I'm uber excited! It's been sooo long since I've been there and I really love just letting loose and having fun dancing. It's a great atmosphere with the country music and swing dancing and line dancing. Not to mention the attractive guys there! ; D I'be missed it and am glad to be going back.

I know, I know. Lately, my entries have been short and too the point. But I don't really want to keep blabbling and writing random stuff, as I am known for having the tendency to RAMBLE! I know when the time comes, I'll have lots of stuff to say and it will all come out AWESOME and radically sounding. Until then, I'm gonna stick to writing what sounds right at the moment!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tanning in the Great Outdoors

A couple of days ago, Hailey and I decided we were going to go tanning outside her complex thingy in this little "meadow" in the middle. I have never really tanned before, outside or in a tanning bed. It was just the usual "doing chores in shorts and a tank" that got me tan in Arizona. It was quite an experience! I was able to borrow some of Hailey's clothes, as I had worn my work clothes from the Dairy store. Apparently, jeans and a black shirt are not condusive to tanning! :D So I borrowed a tank and shorts from her, we gathered towels and music and suntan lotion/sunscreen, and headed out on our adventure.

Once we walked out the door, I wondered what we were doing. The meadow was right in the middle of all the buildings, everyone's window visable. But Hailey didn't seem to care and I figured that since I have self respect and I appreciate the rules of society, I was going to keep my clothes on and therefore it wouldn't be a problem. The grass, which looked so nice and inviting from her window, was prickly and moist when we arrived on the lawn. We weren't about to be deterred from our task. Hailey and I laid our towels down, lathered ourselves with the sunscreen, and laid back, sunglasses donned, waiting for the sun to turn us into bronze beauties!

This time we spent outside (less than an hour and a half) gave us a time to talk about stuff and laugh about good times we'd had in the past. I really enjoyed it because I was spending quality time with Hailey, the coolest person in Lincoln, and we were able to relax for a little. There was a really nice breeze that day and the sun wasn't too hot. I, however, am horribly white, despite my hispanic/mexican background and will need a couple more sessions before anything is super noticeable.

I was pretty excited to cross another number off my list and I can't wait until I attempt my next plan! Tonight, I'm going to work the new "Reversed Happy Hour" and we'll see how it goes. I'll be there from 8-12:00 but Hailey will be there too, so it could definitely be fun! xoxo

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Dying of the Hair

Yup, believe it. Hailey and I dyed our hair! Dearest Hailey wanted to touch up her roots and I wanted to try something new. Something new, I did. I went from a verrry verrry dark brown to a burgandy. :D Granted, it's wash out in 28 washes, or something like that, but it's very much real. I was uber freaked out, not gonna lie. What if my hair came out GREEN or something? But Hailey had a good idea. She said we should dye each others hair and then when all is said and done, we can't be mad at ourselves for it and because we love each other so much with the "sisterly" affection, we can't be mad at each other. So I told Hailey, "Squeeze it on quick! Before I change my mind!"

For our first times, it turned out pretty darn well, if I do say so myself. My hair is dark and reddish and all around AWESOME! And Hailey's is beautiful and dark and FANTASTIC! I say we should give ourselves humungous rounds of applause. :) I do have pictures that I am going to add on here, once I figure it out. xD This bucket list cross off, was a cross off for the better!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Summer Of Firsts

The title says it all. A Summer of Firsts. What does that mean, you ask. Wellllll, let me tell you. This summer is the summer it's all going to go down. I'm going to create a "summer bucket list" if you will, and attempt to cross everything off of there that I can. I even have plans on how to execute this crazy and wild idea. My friend, Hailey, will probably be with me every step of the way!

There are so many different ideas on this list and it just keeps going on for ever and EVER!!! I definitely plan on showing my experiences on this radical journey of growth. :D That sounded cheesey, I know. But hey! That's who I am! Cheesey. OMG! I totally love cheese too. :D NO! Scratch that, it has nothing to do with my summer of firsts.

Anyway, for my first cross of, I thought I would write about this blog. I've never really written a blog before. At least not one I stuck with. I've said, "I'm gonna write a blog, become famous, and MAKE SOME MONEY!" But that only lasts about an entry. Then I forget about it and by the time I remember, I've forgotten the login and pass word. That won't happen this time. I'm gonna stick with my awesome, super dooper blog and document all my bucket list success with photographs and blog entries. Hope you guys are excited!!!!!!

I'm gonna go now, but get ready!
