Friday, August 27, 2010

And Everybody Cut Loose...Footloose!

Hallelujah, I have found my FOOTLOOSE DVD! It's been missing for about a year now, and I have been slightly depressed every time I go to watch the movie and I open the case.... and it's EMPTY! It makes me want to cry. But I figure there are others things to cry about. And I don't like to cry over spilled milk. Or lost dvd's.... Anywayyy, I really love this movie. But it wasn't until tonight... well, really, right now... that I realized how much vulgar language is in it. Oh well :D The movie is still fantastic.

I have only really liked Kevin Bacon in the movie Footloose. I don't like him in anything else. Did anyone else know he's married to Kyra Sedgewick?!?! When I found that out... Mind. Blown.

I started talking to CleverBot today. That conversation was the weirdest convo EVER. It started off with me asking the cleverbot if there was gold at the end of his rainbow. He says "Of course there is, what's at the end of your rainbow?" So I told him, "BACON!" and then it all went down hill. I wanna know how that whole clever bot thing works. It kidna confuses me.

DANNAAYYYY! she's up north with Austy, but when she gets back we're gonna keep tagging on the story. I really like the story. I live vicariously through Daine and she does things I would never dream of doing because I'm much more a scaredy cat. While it's saddening, it's good at the same time.

This entry was reallllly random... but Now I gotta finish Footloose! :D Night, good world!


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