Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eons and Eons and Eons Ago

It has been such a LONG time since I posted anything on this blog. I've been so unbelievably busy. But I know, I know, that's no excuse. I'm sorry.

Let's see, what all has passed since my last post. School has started. I'm really liking my classes and feel that it's going to be a greatyear. I'm uber stoked for my Livestock Evaluation class. The class is taught by someone who is very knowledgable and the notebook he gave us definitely surpasses the one from my coach in high school. Which, anyone who judged at my old high school, knows what this means. The TA is hilarious and most of the people in the class seem nice. So we'll see, I guess. I'm also taking MicroEcon. This class is going to be the horrible death of me. The teacher isn't really motivating me to want to learn, but I have to pass the class, so I guess all the motivation is on me. BuuuuuuutThe website we submit our homework on is pretty awesome. So that part is fun and I enjoy attempting to submit my answers. A couple of weeks will go by. If I haven't posted anything at all after this post, you might as well prepare for my funeral, because I will have died of slow econ torture to my brain. Just so you guys are aware. I think the Micro Econ book will attack me in my sleep, much like the book of monsters in Harry Potter....

On a brighter side, I've been writing a story with my buddddy Danno. It's been awesome. I never really thought I would find someone who would enjoy writing stories about what we write about. It's been fun to come up with kick butt plots and see them unfold right before our eyes. Our characters definitely give me something to live vicariously through. While that might be bad for my personality, I find I rather enjoy it. :D Danno, I'm sure, thinks I'm bizarre and bonkers. But who doesn't?! I am a little crazy.

Things at work have been going swimmingly, and I'm somewhat satisfied with it. We have alot of new people coming in and starting, which is fun. More people to think I'm off my rocker. But what fun is it if you act normal all the time? We gotta have a little fun in our lives now and then. I've been writing interesting and strange facts on the menu board and accompanying them with hand drawn pictures of the animals in the facts. My artistic skills are severely lacking, but getting better and better with time. I have learned that I definitely can not draw a baby yak. Alas, I have failed my friends in the Himalayas..... I shall hang my head in shame.

So another random note. I was reading secrets on "" (which I am addicted to, I might add) and I got to the last few secrets that had been posted, and I found one with my name on it. Now I know the possibility for that exact secret to be about me is like 1 in 23,477,238,746,723,648,793,487,687,346,234,932,874. A fact further proven by all the comments that were left under the secret that said something to the effect of "My name is Jess and this secret gave me a mini heart attack!" But it was saying "Jess, everyday I look at your Facebook page to see if you have a boyfriend. You never do. I've been working up the courage to change that." I'm not gonna lie. My heart did start racing a little bit, hoping and wishing that was from the guy I've been... for lack of a better word... crushing on. While it is like 99% not possible that it's him, I like to tell myself that it is. Makes it easier to talk to him, I suppose. It's been crazy that's for sure.

Ok, well, I can't think of anything else at the moment. I also have to get to bed cuz I have school tomorrow!!!


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