Monday, June 7, 2010

Brand New Pedicures and Leaving Numbers

Oh my goodness! Today was a crazy good day. It didn't start out so good for me at work. But when I got off, I went over to Hailey's house and we decided to get our nails done, eat, and go to the mall. Now that sounds like a fun day, right?! It most definitely was.

Today, I got to cross off "get my first pedicure ever" on my Summer Bucket List. It almost seems weird to think I have never gotten a pedicure before. I'm not a huge fan of people touching my feet... But Hailey convinced me that they are to DIE for and that I would love it. So, I decided to follow the wise advice of one months older than me, and sat in the HUGE pedicure chair. I put my feet in the not so luke warm water (more like HOT, but soothing :) ) and watched as the lady hit the buttons on the chair and SUPRISE!!!! It's a massage chair?! Sweeeeet! It almost felt like there was a little person inside the back of the chair, hitting and walking on my back. The whole pedicure experience was something different, that's for sure. Nobody, other than myself and my Junior year English teacher, have ever touched my feet. It was strange :). But it felt nice and I really like the color I got on my toes. The warm leg wraps were nice too.....

After Hailey and I both got pedicures, we both got full sets. This was a summer first for Hailey! It was fun. Hailey is definitely having fun with them, texting and driving. Sadly, her nail technician finished her acrylics with SPARKLY nail polish! How unfair is that?! They do look pretty spiffy and spectacular. Mine look really nice too. The lady, Maren, did a really nice job on the length, so I'm uber happy.

OMG! Something else that happened today! Hailey and I went to Red Robin for dindin and we, being the boring same selves that we are, ordered the SAME thing again...Bonzai Burger and
Guacamole Bacon Burger. This, of course, is not the noteworthy part. As soon as we sit down, our server comes up to us and starts to introduce himself. "Hi, my name's Mitch and I'll be taking care of you today. What can I get you girls to drink?" And the ENTIRE time he's saying that, he's looking right at Hailey. IN FACT he doesn't even look at me until he asks me what I want to eat, then he goes right back to staring at her. I, being the super observant person that I am, decided to text Hailey. "He liiiiiiiiikes youuuuuuu!" As soon as Hailey gets it, she starts to read it out loud. Mitch (the guy in question), of course,is right behind us and totally hears Hailey. Which makes me start laughing and wondering what he is thinking. Our meal goes on, with Mitch walking by and looking at Hailey until I realize something totally cool with our silver ware.... ITS MAGNETIC! Who else has magnetic silverware? Once Hailey and I figure this out, I tell her "Use this as a reason to talk to him! Ask him if he knew the silverware was magnetic!" So, while we are waiting for him to come to our table, Hailey and I are taking pictures so we can post them on facebook and on here. Then he walks by and Hailey was all "Did you know your silverware is magnetic?!" and he kinda laughed and (while looking at her the entire time) said "Yeah, something something something metal trashcans something something the silverware sticks to the side something something and the bussers can take them out. I saw you figured that out." Which goes to further prove that he was watching her. Then I have the FABULOUS idea that Hailey leave her number for Mitch, in the server book. She, of course being the level headed person she is, thinks this is a horrible idea. But I continue to push it (and yes, I mean push it :D )and tell her that "It doesn't matter if he never texts you, maybe he has a girlfriend or's not like you'll ever see him again anyway, if it doesn't work out." So Hailey's a trooper and leaves a note for Mitch on the table. It was super dooper exciting. We shall see if Mitch, the Looker, ever texts her or calls her.

WHEW! That was quite a bunch of things to happen in a few hours.... It's time for me to head off and get some sleep before I head on my way to Des Moines, IA for some more Summer firsts. I'll be sure to keep you updated!



  1. no word from dear old mitchy, i guess he's too afraid of me!

    although when i told my dad about this he was like ".... the boy is gonna think you're loose."

  2. Hahahaha!!! Wellllll... he shouldn't have been looking at you like that! But next time will be easier! And you gotta find a guy for me to do that too! so you can get back at me :P

  3. hahaha We just like to have funnnn :D haha
