Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tanning in the Great Outdoors

A couple of days ago, Hailey and I decided we were going to go tanning outside her complex thingy in this little "meadow" in the middle. I have never really tanned before, outside or in a tanning bed. It was just the usual "doing chores in shorts and a tank" that got me tan in Arizona. It was quite an experience! I was able to borrow some of Hailey's clothes, as I had worn my work clothes from the Dairy store. Apparently, jeans and a black shirt are not condusive to tanning! :D So I borrowed a tank and shorts from her, we gathered towels and music and suntan lotion/sunscreen, and headed out on our adventure.

Once we walked out the door, I wondered what we were doing. The meadow was right in the middle of all the buildings, everyone's window visable. But Hailey didn't seem to care and I figured that since I have self respect and I appreciate the rules of society, I was going to keep my clothes on and therefore it wouldn't be a problem. The grass, which looked so nice and inviting from her window, was prickly and moist when we arrived on the lawn. We weren't about to be deterred from our task. Hailey and I laid our towels down, lathered ourselves with the sunscreen, and laid back, sunglasses donned, waiting for the sun to turn us into bronze beauties!

This time we spent outside (less than an hour and a half) gave us a time to talk about stuff and laugh about good times we'd had in the past. I really enjoyed it because I was spending quality time with Hailey, the coolest person in Lincoln, and we were able to relax for a little. There was a really nice breeze that day and the sun wasn't too hot. I, however, am horribly white, despite my hispanic/mexican background and will need a couple more sessions before anything is super noticeable.

I was pretty excited to cross another number off my list and I can't wait until I attempt my next plan! Tonight, I'm going to work the new "Reversed Happy Hour" and we'll see how it goes. I'll be there from 8-12:00 but Hailey will be there too, so it could definitely be fun! xoxo

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